This Week

Let me tell you something.

This week is kicking my butt. Consider it kicked. Thank the Lord I have almost made it to the weekend. Let me just let you in on how many things have gone insanely crazy this week. I’m to the point where I’m not even stressed about it, I am just laughing and asking myself,

“What else could possibly happen?”

This week was the week that I planned on videoing myself for the edTPA. That means that my pass/fail grade for student teaching rests mainly on the videos that I produce this week. No pressure, right? So far, the videoing has gone alright. I still need one more clip that I am trying to squeeze into the day tomorrow. Please pray that I get that clip, and that I am able to understand the editing parts of the video. It’s all rather confusing, and a lot rests on the successful editing of the video as well as my performance on the video (I know, isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you have heard…if the video is not edited correctly, we could fail.)

Anyways…I arrive at school on Monday morning to the news that there are parents who are upset with me for things that are happening in the classroom. My heart skips a beat…what did I do wrong now? Well, apparently, one parent is angry because I do not call on her daughter enough (are you kidding, lady? I have 20 kids in the classroom…she doesn’t get called on for every question!) and another parent is angry because her son is not paying attention in class (again…are you kidding, lady???). One parent was easily convinced that I am doing my best and learning how to call on every student…the other parent requested a conference for Thursday morning. That all happened on Monday morning…before I even started filming myself.

Tuesday rolls around and Theo has a 24 hour shift, which means me being all alone in the house. It really is no fun for me, and I don’t think I ever will get used to it. But it is what it is, and I am so proud of Theo for all the work that he does. I actually got a decent amount of sleep that night, and was ready to go on Wednesday.

Wednesday rolls around and I realize that the students have a performance for music…twice. They performed first for the younger students, then for the older students. Let me tell you….both were AWFUL. I know that sounds horrible, but they sounded awful, and they acted even worse. These students were not told how to stand on bleachers or how to behave while performing. I somehow survived and continued with my week.

Thursday morning (the morning with the angry parent parent-teacher conference), Theo and I wake up 15 minutes after I was supposed to leave for school. **cue panic**. We rushed around like mad chickens with our heads cut off, and somehow raced to school, making it there only about 10 minutes late…but I was already late for the meeting with the angry parent. For the first time, I witnessed a parent yelling at us (there were three of us teachers there…not just me!), and it was a pretty traumatic experience. Traumatic enough to make me not want to teach. Why would I want to teach your kids when you treat me like that…with no respect, no understanding and no ability to listen (hmm…sounds kind of like the problem we are having with your child.) Afterwards, my teacher showed me this cartoon:

Pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?

Anyways, I am almost finished with this week! Can I get a HALLEJULAH it’s FRIDAY????? and I get to wear jeans to school tomorrow woot woot!!!!

2 thoughts on “This Week

  1. Beth says:

    So I’m curious as to how your supervising teacher handled the conference situation? I know this sounds weird to say but in the end to have gone through all of these situations while a student teacher and under the supervision (and hopefully lots of guidance) of another teacher may actually benefit you in the end because you are getting a true picture of what happens and ideas of how to handle it. Praying for a good rest for you tonight and successful video taping!

  2. Mom says:

    I think Beth is right. Whew. If only those parents could hear themselves. At least it gives you insight in to why that kid is like he is. Is he the same one that yelled at you? A child like that is growing up in a home where there is no respect for others, only focus on self. You have definitely had a crazy week! Make sure you’ve got a back-up of those videos somewhere other than on your computer! I’ve been praying for you a lot this week.

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